Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Patience to Wait

 The blessing is coming. breakthroughs are just around the corner. It's so easy to say and yet the hardest thing to do. we can tell someone to be patient.wait. we can tell kids to be patient.wait. and we can tell ourselves to be patient.wait. but to BE patient? wait? oh boy... 

at the end of the month when bills are bigger than income, it's the last thing that comes to mind.

car breaks down, kids get sick, you get sick, lose your job... i can go on and on but you get the point? there's so much out there to lose patience over.

we pray everyday. or not...

patience to wait for the blessings that will come. or won't... 

patience for a breakthrough to happen. or not...

again, there's just so much going on in our lives to make us impatient. not wait. just take charge! and have a huge disaster on our hands...

i want the blessing and i want it now!

me! me! me! 

now! now! now!

we have so many questions.

why? how? where? WHEN?

the answer's right under our noses. if only we took the time to open the bible and read it. more importantly, believe it.

Psalm 145:15-16 (New International Version)

 15 The eyes of all look to you, 
       and you give them their food at the proper time.

 16 You open your hand 
       and satisfy the desires of every living thing.

i believe we're all blessed with patience. the ability to wait. what we lack is the capacity to use it.

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